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An Easter Triduum of Poems

            My Crucifixion

 Their nails drive into my essence

And pierce my failing heart

That they should crucify me so-

They whom I stretched to transform


Drinking the gall He wills

my mind, body, soul

Endures the indignation of 

Rejection and abuse-No blow reserved

My blood expiated

For their inheritance.


And in this isolated hour

A crack of thunder

heralds the coming victory-Aloud!

Proclaiming my intimate union with all,

A vindicated path as

"Truly the Son of God"

And capturing my expiring gift

In the waiting hands of eternity.




              Emerging Easter

Through the dark tunnel of pain

I stagger-

Blinded by the sunlight ahead,

Pushing me forward,

Sustaining my faltering steps

With the energy of expected spring joy,

Into brightness, bleaching my wounds

With the warm, cleansing rays of resurrection

Immersing the seed of hope in my gut with

Blooming esctasy

As emerging Easter holds me still.


Easter Love

Into the lifting light of morning

Comes my Lord

Bathed in the morning dew,

With a triumphant smile of gladness

He radiates renewed joy

As he captures my entranced gaze.

Life to life

Heartbeat touching His

I embrace Him whom i adore

And I abandon myself in His 


As loves grief arrows melt

Into soothing balm.

Easter 2023

The Dance of Spring


I hide in your brilliant white shroud

Entombed with my love, my Lord

In a silence of stale afflicition

Sinking we fell

Expiring exhausted into the pit

Pressed and beaten

By man's indifference

Our shining quest dead and forgotten

Opaque to their polluted eyes

Entwined by the thornbush

We lie still in a bed of pain

Entangled by their matrix of opposition

But see it flowers now

Rising scents of eternal freshness

For us to breath spirit life

and a triumphant display of colour

Clothes its starkness

Flowers to crown our wounded heads

And in secret union and glee

We take the dance of spring

Upon that fallen cross


Inspiration for this poem is from E.A.Hornel's painting TheDance of Spring

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